
Showing posts from June, 2019

New Pig Farmers Business Plan and Feasibility

New Pig Farmers Business Plan and Feasibility New Pig Farmers Business Plan and Feasibility Study is a free guide for all. As a matter of facts, New pig farmers should start with highly marketable and popular breeds. Some of these are; Landrace or Large White. This gives you an optimum yield faster. Getting a business plans and a feasibility study gives you a push in succeeding. Chris Farm Nigeria Specializes in helping startups like you success in the business. Contact us today , lets write you a winning Business plans and a feasibility study for your investors, Grant or Bank Loan.    

Cucumber Business Plans and Feasibility Study For Nigerian Startup

Cucumber Business Plans and Feasibility Study For Nigerian Startup Cucumber Business Plans and Feasibility Study For Nigerian Startup is here for you. As a matter of facts,  Cucumber is a creeping vine. Its roots are in the ground and grow up trestle or other supporting frames. Furthermore, these plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. Its fruit is roughly cylindrical elongated in shape. Its originated in Asia but is now grown in most continents (even in countries like Nigeria). Many different varieties are traded on the global market.

Lagos Epe Agribusiness Business Plans and Feasibility Study on Catfish Farming

Lagos Epe Agribusiness Business Plans and Feasibility Study on Catfish Farming Lagos Epe Agribusiness Business Plans and Feasibility Study on Catfish Farming is just a sample of what we can do. Business plans and Feasibility study Report is your winning tool in Business. Most people fail in Business because their business was not planned well. Chris farms and Extension Services, Alias Chris Farm Nigeria is a first Hand Business Developer. We specialize in developing your business via giving you a unique strategy to win in business. Don't just start up your business without a good business plan to avoid mismanagement of resources. Contact US TODAY.