
Showing posts from September, 2014


How is to know as making millions only begins with a step. Taking steps begins with knowing what you want and go for it. In order to make million from catfish production, you must understand how to produce the product first before knowing how to dispatch the product. If you have studied this book very well, you must have known how to own and manage a fish farm.

Fish Handling and Business Plans

Fish preservation is the method of extending the shelf life of fish and other fishery products by applying the principles of chemistry, engineering and other branches of science in order to improve the quality of the product.

How To Identify, Handle & Manage Fish Diseases (Get a Business Plan)

Disease simply means abnormality in health condition of a living cell. In the case of a fish, it is the departure from normal to abnormal condition as a result of stress caused by pathogens, feed deficient or environmental conditions.

How to control Pollution in your pond

Ammonia in your fish pond has the capability of destructing the total fish in your pond, if it is not controlled or broken down or release into the atmosphere, your total investment may be a waste of time.

Oxygen Control in a Pond (FISH FARMING)

The issue of oxygen depletion in a pond is very rampart. Most pond suffer from oxygen depletion as a result of fossil (dead plant and animal matters) and unconsumed decompose feeds. Fossil and unconsumed decompose feeds consumes large amount of oxygen even as they decompose. The level of ammonia released by the decomposition process is able to suffocate the fishes. 

Handling Catfish in Pond Business

Management is a process of overseeing or managing something. That is to say that fish management is process of overseeing or managing fishes kept under your custody.

hatching/spawning in catfish Production (art of saving money)

Hatching techniques in catfish production involves the induction of the female catfish in other to discharge the ripen eggs which are then fertilized with the milt (sperm) which is then gotten from the male catfish and it is later incubated and hatch into larvae within some few hours which finally becomes fingerling within the first three to four weeks of hatching.

catfish spawning in the wild (bestseller)

SPAWNING Spawning is the production or deposition of deposition of large qualities of egg in water. The young that hatch from these eggs are known as spawn. Over 97% of known fish are oviparous (that is, the eggs develop outside the mother’s body). 

AFRICAN GIANT CATFISH (Business Plan & Feasibility Study)

African – giant catfish is one of the most common known cultured fish in West Africa, because of high ability to withstand stress. This has given it a prior opportunity to be discussed in details. Examples of some commonly cultured African – giant catfish, clarias spp, Heterobranchus spp, Heteroclarias (hybrid of Heterohranchus and clarias spp) etc. 


The shocking catfish is also called the electric catfish and it belongs to the group of “Malapterus electricus. These types of catfish grow to about 10 feet long in nature (waters, but only about 2 feet long in aquarium waters. It’s usually found in natural lakes and rivers around Africa. The electric catfish has three pairs of barbells and a long body which looks like a cylinder. 


How to own a mega fish farm begins with knowing the necessary condition for sitting up a fish farm business. Every thing in life once has a beginning, and beginning a thing that has a future must begins  with a focus mind. Before you could own and manage a fish farm, there are some sine qua non that must be put in place before venturing into it.

Catfish:“How To Own, Manage, And Make Millions From Catfish Production"

Catfish:“How To Own, Manage, And Make Millions From Catfish Production" How to own, manage and make millions from catfish production exposes you the reader, on how to use simple technique in this book to launch millions into your pocket. Dr. Samuel smiles said, “Self help is the best help, self employment is the best employment and Richard Brasion also said; the best thing that will happen to any youth is to be in his own business.  A recent record from the United States, Agency for International Development (USAID) indicates that Nigerians consume about 1.5 million metric tons of fish worth $1 billion annually. Available statistics also has it that Nigerians total seafood import’s in the year 2006 were estimated at $570 millions (N45 billions). Catfish farming is leading fish farming industry in Nigeria and in the United State of America.  In the United States, commercial production of table sized catfish totaled about 7.7 million pounds. (About 35 million ...